Karibu. Mauya. Wamkelekile. እንኳን ደህና መጣህ. Olandiridwa. Barka. Murakaza neza. Amohelehile. Siyalemukela. Tukusanyukide. O amogelesegile. Luɔɔr, Greetings reader and welcome. You might be a lecturer, a tutor, a student, a practitioner, or a researcher, we want to welcome you to this book which is available in different formats. Innovations in technology have resulted in many options for publishing. This book appears as a printed hard copy and a...
Abstract: There has not been a comprehensive definition of Ubuntu until recently. Ubuntu was previously simply defined as ubuntu ngumuntu ngabantu, meaning a person becomes human because of other people. However, this definition refers to just one aspect of Ubuntu, relationality. A most recent definition of Ubuntu says it ‘is the worldview of Black people of Africa from where they derive relational, communal, societal, environmental and spiritual knowledges, values and...
Abstract: There is no comprehensive history of Africa’s philosophy for reasons including colonisation and neo-colonisation that resulted in its philosophy’ neglect and under-studying compared to Eastern, Middle-Eastern and Western philosophies. In this article, the timeline of Africa’s philosophy has been divided into five stages – sankofa, tu, shosholoza, Ubuntu and umoja. Sankofa is a stage where less is known, although, by looking at the history of the different groups of...